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mercurial idiot

Hypothesis: queers make up roughly or more than 50% of the active people on Fedi.

Boost for science!

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Anonymous poll


not queer
0 people voted.
Voting ended 13 January at 18:37.
adam This definitely depends on the part of fedi you're on. There are many separate communities that may never interact with each other, and so this poll will probably be biased in some way.


@writeblankspace This will not be all that scientific because you are not doing anything to remove the attention/response/boost bias, I believe non queer people are more likely to scroll past this poll without interacting. For better validity you would want to get people committed to answering before they knew the topic of the question. I also boosted as someone in a tech community that does not discuss this topic very much, in hopes that it may improve the diversity of sample population.

mercurial idiot

@Joe_0237 😭 yeah, suddenly realizing that now

damn how did I not consider how much bias there is on social media (instances on fedi, NT personalities on Reddit, etc)


@writeblankspace its fun and interesting in any case, don't be sad

Mikie L'Oxymore

@Joe_0237 @writeblankspace I love polls so much, it surprises me to discover that many people scroll, but it makes sense... ^^'


@Mikie1600 @writeblankspace lol i love them too, but i once had to go to quite extreme measures to get people to fill out a survey for me, that's harder and less exciting than a poll tho.

Mikie L'Oxymore

@Joe_0237 @writeblankspace Ah yes, it must be clearly less fun, it's sure! ^^'

mercurial idiot

@alter_kaker 🤷‍♀️ it was 10 pm and I made a poll out of curiosity and posted within 10 secs, sorry

think it's too late to edit now, sorry

think the comments should be sufficient for any 'other' stuff tho

mikwee 🎗️ I don’t really interact with the wider LGBT community, but I am homosexual

Tattooed Mummy

@writeblankspace I think more. I always feel like the only straight in the village here 😂

Elías Chao

@Tattooed_mummy @writeblankspace Maybe it’s because queer people are less likely to be harassed here, therefore allowing them to be more open about it, hence making it seem like there are more than they actually are?

Tattooed Mummy

@eliaschao @writeblankspace it could also be a reflection on who I choose to follow 😉
Because there's no algorithm


@writeblankspace I suspect this is accurate. Boosting for confirmation.


@writeblankspace I suspect about 50-50 or 60-40 in either direction
Definitely a ton (I'm a yes voter)


@writeblankspace Need an option for "it's complicated" 🙂

Mx. Eddie R

@bytebro @writeblankspace
That's usually filed under "queer". Only cishet is really simple.

Nathan A. Stine

@writeblankspace my understanding is that people can identify as queer but you shouldn't refer to several people who so identify as "queers." Am I incorrect?

metallcorn 🐧

@writeblankspace That's very unlikely. Especially considering mastodon's peculiarity in displaying content. So it's going to be seen by your friends and your friends' friends. This will result in a very close group of people, and very few outside observers. For this reason, the result of the survey can be even 80%, but it will not reflect reality in any way.

⦺ irick 🐁🐈⚩

Wouldn't this poll principally describe the selection bias of your social graph?

Tim Kellogg

@irick yeah, but it’s getting boosted a lot, so it might escape that circle

Mikie L'Oxymore

@writeblankspace Woooaw, that is so much! (Even if there are bias I guess.)


@writeblankspace The challenge here is defining queer. One can be not by most people’s measure (and awareness) and simultaneously not feel like they’re in some normative box.

Elliot Shank

@writeblankspace I am old enough that I will not use that term to refer to myself.

J.P. Wing

@clonezone @writeblankspace I feel the same way. Too much baggage in that word for me.

Moody Loner

@writeblankspace I don't know what is meant by 'queer' and I don't want to publicly commit to either option.



Wait, do you mean queer in the sense of sexual/gender identity...🤔

Matthew I assume they mean anyone who is part of LGBT community in general


@writeblankspace There’s having a hypothesis verified and then there’s absolutely nailing it like a boss. Probably cursed it for you now.


@writeblankspace I've been on here for a couple of years now, and I'm still not queer.
It's almost like being around lots of rainbow fabulousness doesn't actually turn you queer if you're not already queer.


@essjax i'm confused what is this a response too


@tbodt right-wing Christian types seem to think that simply learning about gay people will turn them gay. I don't know if they really believe that but they pretend that.
Personally I think gay folks are gay and no amount of 'learning about it' will make any difference. Other than to make life a little easier for rainbow kids.


@essjax i see i agree i was just confused because i didn't like see anyone saying this in the post you replied to


@tbodt ah just OP's (correct, it seems) assertion that 50% of the fediverse are gay/rainbow. I love it, long may it remain so.



Currently at 48:52. The magic or accursed ratio strikes again.

Eleanor LNR Blair

@writeblankspace I love this poll, for a somewhat silly reason. I'm bi, but sometimes hesitate to call myself queer. However when presented with these two options I had a clear reaction, and it seems I'm definitely not "not queer". So thank you :)

Alan Langford

@writeblankspace Consider running follow-ups for neurodivergent (ADD, Autistic, et. al.), or even "socially non-normative". I find there's significant representation from (broadly speaking) non-cis, asexual, kinky, trans, gay, bi, and many other attributes in my feed. Admittedly to some extent I've explicitly curated for diverse voices, especially fellow neurodivergents, but that seems so much easier here.

Violet Rose :v_trans:

I think at least 90% of my mutuals fall somewhere on the LGBTQIA2S+ rainbow.

Obot 50549535

Trying to think how to estimate the bias in which part of the fedi this poll reaches. And possible bias in people deciding to answer it

Elly van Amstel

@writeblankspace I hope queer people feel confident enough to speak up on Mastodon. But I think it would be great if there were enough non queers who listen.

El Gue

@writeblankspace where to click if i feel in between today?

LukeAlmighty 🇨🇿

So, if I call you a faggot, and you block me... How the fuck do you uneducated failed genetical experiments still dumb enough to consider the results a "science"?

Your absolute abuse of the scientific concepts is truly unholy. And I hate you. From the depths of my being. Not for "living your truth" or "finding happiness in your body", but for the total destruction of the one and only way of finding the truth, that humanity ever managed to construct. You niggers have raped the science and "gender reasigned" it's dead body. Ant that sin can never be forgotten.

So, if I call you a faggot, and you block me... How the fuck do you uneducated failed genetical experiments still dumb enough to consider the results a "science"?

Your absolute abuse of the scientific concepts is truly unholy. And I hate you. From the depths of my being. Not for "living your truth" or "finding happiness in your body", but for the total destruction of the one and only way of finding the truth, that humanity ever managed to construct. You niggers have raped the science...

Easelbitch™️ :verified: 🕉️


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VHA DIRECTIVE 1341(2) Amended June 26,2020 "Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans"

Nonce Olbrecht

@writeblankspace we're here we're sometimes queer sometimes not, get used to it


@writeblankspace I may not be queer but I’m glad you’re all here!

Lea de Groot 🇦🇺

@writeblankspace @mike i think this would have been very true before Twitter imploded, but less so now, the mainstream has arrived more


@writeblankspace I wish I was queer so I could get chicks.

(This is testing how many GenX/elder Millennials are reading the replies.)


@writeblankspace It was really interesting to catch this at many points in time. Around the 100s it was soundly more queer than not. now it's the opposite. goes to show how these things differ across different parts of the fediverse.

mercurial idiot

@nebulos yeah, looks like every instance has veeery different biases


Yeah it's really interesting watching it change over time. It'd be interesting to know when it started showing up on's explore page and how that changed things.

Once It wraps up, is it okay if I add a link to it in ?

@writeblankspace @nebulos


I'll happily stipulate that I am strange though.


@writeblankspace from which instance? i like how each instance gets a different view of Fedi based on users’ follows and whatnot.

So from Fosstodon, the answer is “maybe not” :neofox_flop_woozy:



am not understand appeal of getting relationship


@writeblankspace i believe everyone on Fedi is somewhat queer.

mercurial idiot


some are queer as in LGBTQ+
some are queer in the sense they're weird and don't fit into certain norms

some are both!!! 😅

Fish Id Wardrobe

@writeblankspace I ticked "not". If it helps, tho, I'm *politically* queer? I'm here for y'all, I just happen to be cis and straight for some reason…

mercurial idiot

@TomF well whichever one you think best suits you? Really regretting not putting an "other" option

Thumb One

@writeblankspace might explain the hair trigger I see mods on arriving any conversation that explores what's going on around the world with regards to trans. Ask "how's it going?" and they delete the post .... Looking at migrating to a more conversational instance some time.

P J Evans

I don't know...but I've been called "weird", so I might be queer.

Trevor Gerzen

@writeblankspace 42% queer, 58% not queer, 7550 votes as of posting this.

iced quinn
@writeblankspace i am quinn
you misspelled it both times


Most interesting 190% I’ve ever seen ! 😂🤣❤️

mercurial idiot

@delric for fun, out of curiosity

my feed seems to have sooo many trans people I got curious

G Allen

@writeblankspace not queer, but my daughter is. Me says hi in flawed (but sincere) ally.


@writeblankspace Not queer myself but totally fine with queer people.


@writeblankspace how about not queer with queer tendencies?


@writeblankspace missing the option "I don't know, you tell me".

HoldMyType- main :: [Response]

@writeblankspace 2c imho , a persons ability and right neither do or should depend on the sexual orientation or lifestyle of that person , any kind of identity bias is a red flag for progress . One is consuming resources as distributed , need have a say in how are they distributed and ought to produce , to justify the consumption


@writeblankspace You just got boosted on It might go fast.

mercurial idiot

@jacket yeah, seems like the poll's results are VERY HIGHLY dependent on which server it gets boosted on

mercurial idiot

@JessynnJames learned a lot about the little nuances in vocabulary today!

Cal Alaera

@writeblankspace 41/59 from

I know that our local fedi neighbourhood leans queer, but also pulls in a lot of people who're neurospicy, disabled, and allies. So I'm not surprised that the result seen from isn't quite as high as elsewhere.

René Moser (resmo)

@writeblankspace or #queer friendly, like friendly to all friendly people , like normal people



Refuse to believe it's only 40% queer given all the instances I talk to.

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