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Joan Westenberg

I consume 90% of the content I read online via RSS. Feedly on most platforms, read through Reader 5 on my apple devices.

It's still the single best way to read the internet.

Joan Westenberg

It's also why I prioritize a big RSS menu item on

Clive Thompson


Same here

Basically my internet is mastodon and feedly

I follow about 450 sites

Jiří Fiala Total Landscaping

@Daojoan same. Self-hosted FreshRSS and Reeder for... reeding.

Kurt Fliegel

@Daojoan Same. Feedly for RSS, Mastodon for discovery. Put in some work upfront, get great rewards.

D. Creemer

@Daojoan mostly the same. RSS and other sources via @Inoreader . All the rest comes from #mastodon and @Flipboard


@Daojoan RSS is wonderful, and I'm always so disappointed when something doesn't have a feed.


@Daojoan Same goes for me! I frequently check my Feedly subscriptions and prefer managing the info I receive. I also use @omnivore to save links and subscribe to newsletters.

Nikola Kotur

@Daojoan Feedly was awesome until they started to send weird signals. Went to Inoreader and never looked back.

Stefano BSD Cafe (snac instance account) I'm using Miniflux (and FreshRSS) on a self hosted installation. No apps, just a browser.
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