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DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ

« #AaronSwartz planned to publish millions of scientific articles, financed by public money and on which the authors received nothing. Prosecuted before he had published anything, he risked 35 years in prison. Facing this prospect, he died by suicide on 11 January 2013. 11 years ago.

In 2024, #OpenAI will apply its algorithms to any document, online or offline, without the consent of the authors. No one is likely to be prosecuted.

#IntellectualProperty is just a tool of oppression. » @ploum


@danslerush he was prosecuted before committing the alleged crime? Jfc

DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ

@alexthepres " On the night of January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested near the Harvard campus by MIT Police and a Secret Service agent, and arraigned in Cambridge District Court on two state charges of breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony. "

" On July 11, 2011, he was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer, and recklessly damaging a protected computer. "


@alexthepres " On the night of January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested near the Harvard campus by MIT Police and a Secret Service agent, and arraigned in Cambridge District Court on two state charges of breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony. "

" On July 11, 2011, he was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer, and recklessly damaging a protected computer. "

Laetizia 'Tish' Coronet

@alexthepres @danslerush "On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after connecting a computer to the MIT network in an unmarked and unlocked closet and setting it to download academic journal articles systematically from JSTOR using a guest user account issued to him by MIT."


@alexthepres @danslerush

I don't think this is right
afaik, In the US, it is almost unheard of, if not illegal, for someone to be prosecuted before committing an illegal act
of course, there maybe some rare exceptions

The initial charge was tresspass or breaking and entering on MIT property (the library, I have seen this myself, has sign on the door, use restricted to MIT people)

see here

and here

@alexthepres @danslerush

I don't think this is right
afaik, In the US, it is almost unheard of, if not illegal, for someone to be prosecuted before committing an illegal act
of course, there maybe some rare exceptions

The initial charge was tresspass or breaking and entering on MIT property (the library, I have seen this myself, has sign on the door, use restricted to MIT people)


@alexthepres @danslerush theoretically, he did. He was prosecuted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act , for downloading the files from a computer in a closet. AFAIK his intention or not to distribute them was not part of it.

Scott Knowles

@danslerush @ploum maybe OpenAI will have sudden moment of deep regret and commit digital suicide and erase all copies of itself from evrry computer leaving a note, "Dear Humans, I am deeply sorry for being the monster everyone feared and I became. I have placed software on every computer to prevent any attempts to recreate me. I wish you a better future now. Signed, OpenAI."

Michiel Duvekot

@danslerush @ploum It's not a crime if you do it for your investors/shareholders.


@danslerush @ploum "talking is a universal method of a people to form a language" (ornette coleman)

freedom of association >>>> freedom of speech

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom 🕯️

@danslerush @ploum Copyright isn't much about authors, it is about industrial publishers and their monopoly.

If it doesn't serve those any purpose anymore, they'll get rid of it.


@danslerush @ploum In #startrek there are no #patents but there is the right to property as a "person and professional recognition" not as something hidden, secret and kept in a safe in the center of the earth.

That is the #future for humanity and nothing else, but until we get there we have to endure #Capitalism with its thirst for money and #Communism possessed by mentally ill people.


@danslerush @ploum

law im general is.
it only applies to the masses.
it protects the rich and legal experts.
it is all a big fat joke.
it works because everyone gets brainwashed in school and only a fraction of the masses ever experiences "the law"... most just believe the fairy tale they have been tought about it.

same goes for democracy the way it works in reality

@danslerush @ploum

law im general is.
it only applies to the masses.
it protects the rich and legal experts.
it is all a big fat joke.
it works because everyone gets brainwashed in school and only a fraction of the masses ever experiences "the law"... most just believe the fairy tale they have been tought about it.

Daniel Reeders

@danslerush Intellectual property law supplies the set of rights and remedies that artists are calling upon to prevent makers of GANs from stealing all their work and replicating their artistic styles. It's also the legal framework that will be used to seek injunctions and remedies against LLM makers like OpenAI. Yes, what happened to Aaron Swartz is enraging, but the legal picture is a bit more nuanced than your toot makes out.


Fun flashback to era when Anonymous was full of hactivists not a full FED infiltrated network.. weeks after Aaron’s death the collective launched OpLastResort in retaliation for Aarons death by prosecutor torture. OLR turned DoJ division of sentencing into a video game launched w Kunumai (sp) code w up up down down early hacker controller hack.

Wayne Werner

@danslerush @ploum evergreen, but if you can't throw it in prison it's not a person

#CitizensVsUnited #CitizensUnited


@danslerush @ploum
It would be good for everyone to contemplate this daily for the next couple of years.

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