Hello, #snacizens. I've just added a somewhat cool experimental feature to #snac: a new command-line to query the state of a running server, like

$ snac state /var/lib/snac

server: comam.es (snac/2.45-dev)
uptime: 0:03:09:52
job fifo size (cur): 45
job fifo size (peak): 1532
thread #0 state: input
thread #1 state: input
thread #2 state: waiting
thread #3 state: waiting
thread #4 state: output
thread #5 state: output
thread #6 state: output
thread #7 state: waiting
It does this using a shared memory area, so some system restrictions may apply. I've tested on Linux and OpenBSD and it seems to work OK. You can call this command as an argument to watch or in a while true shell loop to have something like a poor-man's top utility.

This will be part of the 2.45 release. It's already in the public git repository, if any of you want to test it.