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Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

For me, "coalition" felt a little weird because it implies to me a political power, where as I'd say "bloc" invokes trading power which is perhaps closer to what we're doing: trading Activity's between different ActivityPub servers. "union" could work too.

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

I think running a server is political power: we are basically like the despots of little virtual nations of people. We make these sort of diplomatic decisions with each other, across boundaries, and while people can move between servers if they have an issue with how the one they're on is being governed, larger servers still have an advantage in that a block of or from us can cut smaller servers off from thousands of people.

We form coalitions, like FediPact, TBS, etc, when we have a larger goal that we want to achieve and a general methodology of how we want to achieve it. The biggest example might be FediBlock. Not everyone has to agree with those coalitions, not every coalition is going to be good, but I think that's a good word for it.

That said, I would really like for us to talk more between servers, as staff. I feel like that should be a bigger part of our culture, perhaps even built into the software itself.

I think running a server is political power: we are basically like the despots of little virtual nations of people. We make these sort of diplomatic decisions with each other, across boundaries, and while people can move between servers if they have an issue with how the one they're on is being governed, larger servers still have an advantage in that a block of or from us can cut smaller servers off from thousands of people.

Fluffy Kitty Cat

@Raccoon @thisismissem agreed. it might also help admins talk things through with admins so people reach for the defederate button less often

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@Raccoon I'm trying to get moderation notes on reports federated! But it's unfortunately low on my work list atm due to other ongoing work.



This is why I picked "alliance"

Webster: "2: an association to further the common interests of the members

specifically : a confederation of nations by treaty"

versus coalition:

Webster: "2: a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action"


Alliance just has a better ring to it, I guess...

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