> "We're going to put IMAP on every desktop in America."
-- Eric Hahn (1996)

Yeah we did that. I had help.

Today I'm looking at my IMAP (email) feed and thinking that the only thing it has that I don't have in my streams (fediverse) feed is - spam. Why am I still using it? The answer is I'm not really. I check it every few days - and see that it's all spam - and close it again. For the last year everything in my IMAP feed that wasn't spam was notifications of something happening in the fediverse or in one of my code repositories that aren't yet connected to the fediverse. Things that I look at every day anyway. What value add do I get from seeing the redundant email messages? Or more precisely, what unique value does email provide?

That's a really good question. I no longer have an answer.