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Roma Komarov

New post: “Cap-Height Vertical Align”.

The new year is here, and, with it, a season where people put out their CSS wishlists for the future.

One thing caught my attention in @tylersticka’s list: an ability to vertically align to the middle of the font’s cap-height.

I am thrilled to report that there are at least two relatively ok workarounds available in the most recent browsers, courtesy of the new `cap` unit!

Roma Komarov

As usual, credits:

- @tylersticka (wishlist, and the original CSSWG issue!)
- @xgebi (I mentioned her wishlist from December!)
- @michaeltaranto (Capsize!)
- @pepelsbey (pointed me towards the Baseline URL on MDN)

Roma Komarov

@tylersticka Thanks for the wishlist! Always fun to look at what others want from CSS, and to think about how we can achieve some of it already :D

Roma Komarov

(oops, forgot to put hashtags for the post's announcement: #CSS and #Typography — here you go!)

Roma Komarov

For years, what I was mindlessly doing instead: applying a negative margin with “random” values of 0.2em-0.3em for cases like this, which, coincidentally, almost the same!

Intuitively, and by testing, I was pleased with these values all this time, but having a proper method on one hand, and a confirmation that this type of adjustment results in what the fallback ends up being in the end is nice, haha.

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