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Today I learned

TIL I learned that the the town of Boring (Oregon, US) established relationship with village of Dull (Scotland, UK) in 2012; the following year they were joined with the Shire of Bland (New South Wales, AU) to form the League of Extraordinary Communities.
#til #todayilearned

Katherine W


I used to drive through Boring to visit my mother-in-law and was always amused to see the sign declaring that Dull, Scotland was Boring's sister city...

Michael Miller :blobrdm: 🦆

@todayilearned @lisamelton I am from Peculiar, MO and how were we not included in this incredible league

David Zaslavsky

@raineer @todayilearned @lisamelton Peculiar sounds much too interesting to keep that kind of company 😂


@todayilearned They should have gone with "League of Nondescript Communities", really.


Have they considered Normal, Illinois? Sounds Extra-Ordinary to me

she hacked you

@todayilearned These old men are enjoying themselves at dangerous levels

Mike Standring

@todayilearned A bit unkind that Bland is distancing itself from Dull and Boring.


@todayilearned I buy my CBD oil from Boring, Oregon!

Edit: Ha ha! They're Milk Barn Farms and they posted in this thread. Clearly Boring is a dynamic place ✨️

Dan 🔬🧬👨🏻‍💻

@todayilearned sound like appropriate names for out past prime ministers. 🇦🇺

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