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James Mitchell

@ismh what was it... a third of Basecamp quit at once back in 2021?


@ismh The utter shamelessness is kind of staggering (even though I should probably know better by now…)

Kyle Bradbury

@ismh …why did they even mention your kickstarter? If they did their own research, mentioning your feels like they are devaluing your work.

Arthur Rosa :happymac:

@ismh astounding that he even links to your kickstarter and says “we’re giving this away without any attribution or payment!”

dick move from DHH.

Matt Cooney

@ismh man. That’s just shitty. But checks out for DHH


@ismh I, for one, will shed no tears over things failing to go DHH’s way. Frankly, if the App Store included a “no, because we just don’t like you” rule, I’d be fine with that, too.

Jason Petersen (he)

@ismh @viticci I mean I have no expectations for a company run by a race scientist and maybe the media should cover them with similarly low expectations.

Stuart Gibson

@ismh on the other hand, I’ve given you money for the last three years, and DHH’s behaviour and comments in the same timeframe have ensured I’ll never give him another penny as long as I live.

Nicolas Ward

@ismh That is such a dick move stealing your effort and also seemingly extremely on brand for him. Ugh.

Michael Simpson

@ismh I’m sure ripping off the work of a beloved Apple community member will really tip things in his favor


Monty Hayter

@ismh Well, that’s just awful. Just using that data with maybe a nudge and wink would be bad enough, but to specifically call it out? Gross.

For what it’s worth: I’ve backed all three and love them all — not just the info but the photography (wonderful) and the stickers (awesome).

Wayne Robinson

@ismh proving once again that DHH is a sociopathic dick.

Dan Wolfe

@ismh It is a bummer.

As a small encouragement, I think your work on this year’s calendar was outstanding. I was a first-time backer this year. I can’t wait to back it again, if you decide to do another one for next year. (Too soon, literally?)


@ismh @imyke what a piece of work he is, and by work I mean ****


@ismh this is awful, sorry it’s happening to you.

Andrew Wickliffe

@ismh yikes :/ This is the time for your next Kickstarter though -- HEY!: It's an Apple History Calendar App.

Dr. Drang

@ismh I’ve never known whether assholes are unaware that they’re assholes or if they revel in being assholes. Either way, I’m sorry he’s being an asshole to you.

Eric Schwarz :yikes:

@ismh Ugh sorry to see that. Does he get that a lot of his target audience enjoys your stuff?

Lisa L. Spangenberg

@ismh I'm sorry. HEY and its mothership Basecamp have engaged in so much crap that Ino longer suggest clients use them.

Christopher Griffiths

@ismh Felt like the app rejection was something they *knew* would happen and even sought out for marketing purposes. And now this move? Sketchy as hell. I’m glad I dumped Hey email and don’t give 37signals any of my money.

Gavin Anderegg

@ismh Uhhhh… that’s some fucking bullshit

Jamie McCarthy

@ismh Please tell us you included one spurious fact as a “trap street”

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