Some words about Mastodon moderation:
1. It’s hard. No decision is easy and there’s lots of gray area even with explicit rules.
2. We’ll sometimes debate for a long time on a single post. We do our best to make the right call.
3. Even so, we sometimes make mistakes. We’re willing to accept appeals when that happens.
4. We get a lot of things right. You can’t even imagine some of the traumatic things we see.
#Mastodon #Moderation #Admin #Kindness #Empathy #Hate #Safety #MastoAdmin
Publicly shaming or calling for uprisings against admins/moderators isn’t helpful or kind. We’re volunteers trying to keep everyone safe, not monsters. And, yet, we get targeted. Sometimes personally. That’s not okay.
Many of our moderation decisions are cut and dry. But many are also complicated. Often we receive reports that don’t violate our rules and are simply a matter of a difference of opinion. We aren’t argument referees. Unless that argument becomes harassment or discrimination.