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Thomas πŸ”­βœ¨

The last 10 years or so of tech:

2013: Blockchain! It's a like a database, but slower and worse!
2016: VR! It's like monitors, but slower and worse!
2021: NFTs! It's like pictures, but slower and worse!
2023: AI! It's like algorithms, but slower and worse!

Noxy 🐾

@thomasfuchs VR at least has some real distinction tho! Facebook buying Oculus should never have been allowed, though..

Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@thomasfuchs VR is not like anything else. Corporate hacks tried to hype their shit vision of VR, with stuff that does work better with screens, but there are truly unique experiences in VR, that makes it worth it. Despite of corporations trying to take advantage of it, and not because of it.

I don't want work meetings in VR, I want to be an animal person with friends, and that's not easy to monetize. And I hope it remains that way. So people pay artists directly when they want a custom avatar for example. I also play games but it's usually much more intense and tiring, so it's kind of an entertainment category of its own.

@thomasfuchs VR is not like anything else. Corporate hacks tried to hype their shit vision of VR, with stuff that does work better with screens, but there are truly unique experiences in VR, that makes it worth it. Despite of corporations trying to take advantage of it, and not because of it.

I don't want work meetings in VR, I want to be an animal person with friends, and that's not easy to monetize. And I hope it remains that way. So people pay artists directly when they want a custom avatar for...

Thomas πŸ”­βœ¨

@starsider I'm mainly making fun of the outrageous claims of the tech industry. :)


You missed:
2022: Elon Musk! He's like Henry Ford, but slower and worse!

Clara Sohet πŸ‰J-2πŸ’•πŸŒˆ

2007 : Twitter ! It's like a blog, but shorter and worse!
2009 : Facebook Pages ! It's like a website, but more difficult to reach!


@thomasfuchs quite unfair for VR (it's really not like monitors), but still valid

Andrew Zonenberg

@thomasfuchs I sincerely hope the LLM bubble bursts as fast as the NFT bubble. It feels worse right now (being deployed by a lot more companies at greater scale).

Algorithms are supposed to give you correct, predictable, reproducible results (one reason I don't like calling the heuristics corporate social media uses "algorithms" β€” see paragraph 2 here.) AI just… doesn't. So it's just like an algorithm in the sense that it… doesn't have any of the defining features of an algorithm. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

@thomasfuchs Mastodon it's like twitter but slower and worse!

Glenn Fleishman

@thomasfuchs I mean, NFTs are like broken links, but even worse than broken links.

Brennan Stehling

@thomasfuchs Somewhere XML and SOAP need to be on this list.

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