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Diego Elio Pettenò

@amszmidt @mgorny no, really no.

There's nothing of anything I've released myself for which I would be annoyed if someone included in a proprietary software.

This doesn't apply to everyone or to any projects, but mine are in that camp for sure. Trying to call up to emotions by saying "regret" makes you sound disrespectful.

Alfred M. Szmidt

@flameeyes @mgorny Maybe you will, I don't have a crystal ball .. but you make a similar argument I've heard over many decades where people regret that they picked a permissive license.

Alfred M. Szmidt

@flameeyes @mgorny (and before you call someone disrespectful, maybe consider your own words first)

Diego Elio Pettenò

@amszmidt @mgorny and you sound like a zealot that doesn't even stop to ask people who *have literal decades of experience* what makes them think that.

I'm tired, you're boring.

Alfred M. Szmidt

@flameeyes @mgorny So much for respect I suppose ... I have plenty of more experience than you have on the topic, so have a *plonk*

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