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zabbeer 🌱

@mgorny Every time I see a discussion about permissive licenses it reminds me of this meme I made a while ago:


@zabbeer @mgorny freedom to link software with other software without doing dumb slow workarounds because GPLv2 is not GPLv3 compatible.

in our era of software that never actually gets “distributed”, GPL is worse than useless for most projects: it doesn’t stop corporations from using software internally (and they only ever use it internally anyway, since everything is web-based) and it hurts good actors by being incompatible with other open-source licenses, including itself.

“just always use GPLv2+”: this + is a statement that I’m willing to distribute under any terms that FSF brands as GPLv4, which requres a lot of trust in FSF, which I don’t have. it also doesn’t solve the problem of linking GPLv2-only libraries with GPLv3-only libraries.

“just always use AGPL”: it’s less useless than GPL, but is still easily circumvented by keeping AGPL code in its own microservice, never seeing the outside world, so never “distributed”.

@zabbeer @mgorny freedom to link software with other software without doing dumb slow workarounds because GPLv2 is not GPLv3 compatible.

in our era of software that never actually gets “distributed”, GPL is worse than useless for most projects: it doesn’t stop corporations from using software internally (and they only ever use it internally anyway, since everything is web-based) and it hurts good actors by being incompatible with...


@zabbeer @mgorny if you want to stop corporations from using your software, just use a non-commercial license, it’s that easy.

Howard Chu @ Symas

@goldstein @zabbeer @mgorny the point of the GPL/copyleft isn't to prevent commercial use of Free Software. It's to prevent taking what was released openly from being closed. The so-called "permissive" licenses are just a cynical free pass for corporations to steal from the public, nothing more.

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