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Helma πŸ€—

@Natasha_Jay Ha, it is like having the blind spot before rhe aura of migraine, but I love the picture.


@helma @Natasha_Jay Ouch, such recognition there. Almost feel a migraine coming on just by thinking about it and looking at the picture.

Helma πŸ€—

@villes @Natasha_Jay Exactly how I felt. Saved the picture to explain to others.

Jayde Holmes

@Natasha_Jay Does this count as a Cerberus? πŸ˜… Either way, has broken my brain.

Drifter Carbon

@Natasha_Jay Quite fond of this. When I was scrolling past and saw it, for a second my brain 'corrected' the image and I didn't see anything unusual. Then I did a double take and saw what was really going on.

Natasha Jay :mastodon: πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

I found my brain was subconsciously following the line downwards trying to work out what was going on ... I like it obviously


@Natasha_Jay took me a while to see what was going on with the dogs.

Michael Vilain

@Natasha_Jay Or worse, he was a construction worker on a high rise.


@Natasha_Jay Eschers' dog, traveling in its owners car


@Natasha_Jay my eyes.. my brain! Be doomed Escher!


@Natasha_Jay Escher-inspired images is probably a good source to poison AI 😜

Adam β™Ώ

@Natasha_Jay Source

At first glance this artist does not appear to be on Mastodon.

I found this by searching for your cropped image on TinEye and sorting by oldest "found" result.

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