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:debian: πšœπšŽπš•πšŽπšŠ :t_blink:

... the network from a 24 port eth switch to the clients.

I am also thinking about a LAN-cache server in order to cache all the games that is downloading.

Sounds like a good plan right? Let me know!

Oh, and if you are located in the area around Gothenburg, BorΓ₯s, Kinna and have hardware to donate - we are thankful if you have some hardware left over for donation ;)


@selea one heard of being used before! Also, unrelated, dot some HEPA air filters around the place, reduced viral blah much appreciated by everyone

:debian: πšœπšŽπš•πšŽπšŠ :t_blink:


yeah, I think the project got stalled so someone forked it:

I just need some fast drives :P

Stephen Greenham

@selea @kirrus If I was going to be hosting a LAN, I'd be asking the advice of Jon Winkle ( (Sorry for birdsite link). One of his team ( is actually one of the lead devs on LanCache πŸ™‚

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@selea sounds like a good plan yea.

Just setup some rules so that a single person can't take all the bandwidth.
Also a hint: Try to give each table a seperate VLAN.
Makes tracking down people that go pirating a lot easier. :gnulightened:


@selea definitely will need a cache server for the games but setting that up might be a pain as it's gonna need to be done client side as well I think (might be wrong there)

The internet connection is going to be the biggest bottleneck by far i think, might be worth putting bandwidth limiting on so everyone can at least have something rather than a few people managing to use it all

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