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Tokyo Outsider (337ppm)

@jalefkowit "Developers have poured out sweat over the last couple of decades to get you working in ways that make it hard to scale like crazy."

What do you think has been the driver for that?

Jason Lefkowitz

@tokyo_0 It's not malicious or anything. It's just... we're all human beings, left to our own devices we will eventually overcomplicate things.

And simplicity doesn't get you asked to speak at conferences, guest on podcasts, etc. Adding complexity is a reliable career enhancer. (And by the time the bill comes due, your celebrity has moved you on to greener pastures.)


@tokyo_0 @jalefkowit In my experience, interactivity is what drives much of this. If you're there to do a job (which isn't "read 10K words of a novella") making changes and having them reflected back to you drives a lot of this complexity. Most blogs would be quite happy as static files with a small set of pages for comment-writing and admin.


@tokyo_0 we all tend to fall into the "yeah, but I can't use the old stuff, because MY PROBLEMS ARE COMPLICATED!" hole.

so we reinvent the wheel and overcomplicate solutions

sometimes we're somewhat correct in that, but most of the times it's just in error

and then the solutions not only have to support YOUR complex stuff, but everone elses complex stuff too. The simple use-case tends to get ignored, because that's solved already.

You don't become a hero by solving how to butter bread.

Tokyo Outsider (337ppm)

@drazraeltod I hear what you're saying, but what was being described in the initial posts seems like more than just reinventing what has already been written once already. Your last line seems closer to the mark: "You don't become a hero by solving how to butter bread."


@tokyo_0 nah, the initial post is just that (actually it's LESS than reinventing anything)

they buttered bread - even the same way most people do

they took the most mainstream of parts (Apache, PHP, Linux, HTML, CSS) and left out moving parts that weren't needed for their use case.

the whole static site idea is pretty similar to that (but those mostly use nginx or so AND have no need for ebook processing)

the only thing they did is going half way to least complexity. And that's totally fine.

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