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@Gargron Patents are just stupid... You invent one thing and patent it and leech of it until you die... That is just wrong in many ways. Not good for progress.

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@madrox @Gargron they are an okay idea but terrible execution. In the fast-moving world of today, no copyright term ever should be in tens of years. Make it like 2 years and everything will be okay:
- still fine to conquer the market for inventions
- still fine to collect the box office revenue for movies
- still fine to sell millions of copies of a music album

What it is not fine for is the blatant abuse that is being done by corporations today.

@madrox @Gargron they are an okay idea but terrible execution. In the fast-moving world of today, no copyright term ever should be in tens of years. Make it like 2 years and everything will be okay:
- still fine to conquer the market for inventions
- still fine to collect the box office revenue for movies
- still fine to sell millions of copies of a music album

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