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Jason Lefkowitz

@miclgael @noellemitchell It looks like the technique requires you to use the in-app browser in the Facebook app or TikTok app or whatever to work, rather than using a standalone browser. If you use the Facebook app’s in-app browser, the Facebook app can inject whatever tracking scripts it wants into it.


@jalefkowit TBH, Meta deploying their own browser and trying to keep people in there (and convince them its a cool feature) smacks of desperation. 3rd party tracking pixels & cookies have been neutered by a growing number of browsers, so Meta is trying to become the 1st party browser.

Instructions for doing anything on the web should insert a zeroth step: "First, exit the Meta browser and then..." 🙂

JW prince of CPH

@jalefkowit @miclgael @noellemitchell Of note: Every single "Privacy Washing" initiative - i.e. some sort of on-by-default tracking they try to convince you to consent to - from every single corporate social media = thing they're doing anyway, whether you consent or not, sometimes whether you're using their service or not (remember Facebook Beacon?).

It's just an effort to create enough noise to obfuscate their spying.

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