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Rev. GothAlice

@noellemitchell I used to build systems like these as customer service, diagnostic, and performance analysis tools. Here's a really early one from one of the earliest versions of my Python web framework, WebCore.

The "alt text" explains the images quite a bit. Later versions could "watch live" (like Remote Desktop!) by user or specific session to aid in live support. Chains of requests leading to a bug could be replayed in development, to aid in reproduction, correction, and regression testing.

1 comment
Rev. GothAlice

@noellemitchell WebCore version 0.6.1 (from the footer of the pages) was released on February 9th, 2010.

And, funnily enough, I did not actually include this as a framework feature due to the risk of it being "too evil"—too easy to abuse or unintentionally expose to data theft. Does everyone really check that they've properly configured all of the sensitive variable names, so they aren't captured?

I've worked with PHP in the past.
Everyone does not. 😜

@noellemitchell WebCore version 0.6.1 (from the footer of the pages) was released on February 9th, 2010.

And, funnily enough, I did not actually include this as a framework feature due to the risk of it being "too evil"—too easy to abuse or unintentionally expose to data theft. Does everyone really check that they've properly configured all of the sensitive variable names, so they aren't captured?

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