@LiveByReason @tychotithonus @robertatcara@infosec.exchange The essay was from 2019. Events of the last five years have certainly shown it to be over optimistic in its assessments of the extent to which contact with reality will change an idiot's mind.
I still maintain that it is a good, thought provoking essay, which neatly explains the paradox of expertise, even if the deliberately provocative and unpalatable conclusion obviously isn't what anyone would actually do.
@LiveByReason @tychotithonus The point of it to me is not to follow the argument, become convinced, and then resolve to allow pro-plague parents to sacrifice their children's health to their wonky beliefs, but rather to follow the argument and identify where you think it wrong - perhaps you believe that state coercion is the best way of dealing with this problem - and approach the issue from a different direction.