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nixCraft 🐧

Ugh 😀 ip command is the most significant change in Linux since they deprecated the ifconfig, a standard command on unix-like systems such as macOS, freebsd, and others. Check out my ip command guide for more info.


@nixCraft I really hate that they replaced netstat with ss. The name is quite problematic. Especially in Germany and Austria πŸ˜…

argv minus one

@schrotthaufen @nixCraft

I believe it means β€œsocket status”, for what it's worth.


@schrotthaufen @nixCraft Trust me it is awkward as fuck here in France too... What in the hell made them think this was a good idea...

Eric Asberry

@nixCraft Thanks for this! I don't need it very often but when I do all I can ever remember is the old ifconfig stuff.


@nixCraft where was I when they deprecated ifconfig?! 😳

Barry Rowlingson

@nixCraft "ifconfig" shows packet/error counts for RX/TX. Can't see that for "ip". Can it?

Matthew Slowe

@nixCraft ifconfig May have been "standard" but each platform had its own flavours of usage for doing much other than "ifconfig IFACE"


@nixCraft Finally I can make an "Ip man" joke with a valid Linux command.


@nixCraft I think the switch to nftables was more significant than this. Anyway, I like all the new(er) stuff. I don't think I've had an ifconfig on a machine for at least ten years.


@nixCraft Know about and use ip, but ifconfig muscle memory kicks in during networking woes.


@nixCraft Thanks for the table.

Even though it is a pain to learn new commands, I appreciate ip embraced color. It's extremely easy to pick out the relevant info when UP/Down or MAC or IPv4/IPv6 all have different colors.

I wish more commands embraced color, but I suspect it will only happen on full rewrites like this. eza is another example of a great replacement (ls) with color and icons.

Tim Panton

@00BW @nixCraft
Oh, please no, I seem to spend half my life reconfiguring or disabling colour in cmdline apps that make it unusable on anything other than a specific terminal emulator. I really wish there was a standard env var that disabled all of this.


@nixCraft On Debian, ifconfig can still be made available in package net-tools

Don't even get me started on the "Ooh! We have a MUCH BETTER name for eth0!"

Flere-Imsaho πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@nixCraft As one of those old grumpy Unix users I lament the trend of actually making you write more per command and not less :/


@nixCraft Oh great, deprecate one of the command line commands I actually use.

Contemplates in seclusion, occasionally shows off.


Kinda annoying, sure. Most significant? I still give that to effing systemd. Hands down.

Clair :vinyl_record:

@nixCraft I still don't understand why ifconfig has been deprecated. I will continue to use it until it's gone.

I mean, I use `ip`, but it isn't as useful to me. Not yet, at least.


@chigh @nixCraft
I am pretty IPized now and tend to like it but damn, I still can find myself mistaken the order of the `dev <IFNAME>` section which is different for most of objects.

The mans are atrocious to say the least. But IP is there to stay so, get used to it.

if only we could manage wifi with `ip` like #FreeBSD 's ifconfig command.
yes, we have `iw` but I didn't manage yet to survice a `iw --help` :)

Bob Beaker

@nixCraft And every updated alternative is more complex and obscure that the original!

Much like systemd. Progess!


@nixCraft Being grumpy, pedantic, and set in my ways, I do find it odd to use a command called IP to up/down the ethernet ports and do ARP/MAC stuff since you don't necessarily have to run TCP/IP over those ports at all. Should have been called something like "net" or "eth" to control the network ports below the IP level.

Doesn't really matter in practice at all. Just annoys me slightly.


@nixCraft A rosetta stone doesn't really do "ip" justice. It made things so much easier and is a better abstraction than the tools it replaced a long while ago. Once you spend some time with it (which I did many years ago already) you'll find ifconfig/route and the like pretty limited and awkward. Adding more than one addr to an interface without clumsy alias interfaces, doing policy routing, etc. it's a treat.


@nixCraft I... didn't even know this... I still use ifconfig, rofl. I guess this explains why so many distros ship without ifconfig. I kept wondering why, but it isn't as if any of the software tools or anything actually tell you this!


@nixCraft iproute2 has a much more consistent (and complete) interface, and that interface is nearly identical between IPv4 and IPv6---don't need to remember both arp and ndp command syntax. Besides, linux ifconfig is rubbish compared to that of the openbsd.


@nixCraft I haven't used Linux for a couple years.
Looks like I can never go back at this point.


The command ifconfig has been deprecated in Linux at least 15 years ago.

RasterInterrupt :verified:

@nixCraft Oh boy, I am still 70% in the first column πŸ˜¬β€‹.


@nixCraft i like this overview but could u mamke a less colorful version... it's a bit of pain to look at it with all icons , emojis and the red background

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