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Niki Tonsky

The fact that first day of the year is also Monday makes me unexplainably happy.

If we had 28-day months, we could have it every year. Man can dream


@nikitonsky Nope, because week most certainly would start with Sunday 🫠

Niki Tonsky

@bemyak Explain to me how is it good that half of the weekend happens on one week and another half that goes immediately after is part of another week?


@nikitonsky It's just how the week was from the Babylonian times 🤷 Weekend is a relatively new invention, and it covers Saturday to suit Jews and Sunday to suit Christians.

Realistically though, I totally agree that it is as insane as the imperial measurement system :) Luckily, ISO-8601 defines the first day of the week as Monday.

My comment referenced this proposed calendar: , which makes a lot of sense, apart from the chosen week start day.

@nikitonsky It's just how the week was from the Babylonian times 🤷 Weekend is a relatively new invention, and it covers Saturday to suit Jews and Sunday to suit Christians.

Realistically though, I totally agree that it is as insane as the imperial measurement system :) Luckily, ISO-8601 defines the first day of the week as Monday.

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