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Flaming Cheeto

@pancake this is how SkyNet identifies its most dangerous enemies


@pancake I think this is one of the rare ones where you can hit “skip” because there's no matching images :P


@nytpu @pancake there is one TI OMAP in the image, that one might be able to run mainline

Michael Engel

@mxk @nytpu @pancake The (ancient...) PXA255/XScale should also still be supported in mainline kernels

Richard Hendricks

@pancake Ah, PXA255, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
I still remember the day we fixed that cache bug in the PXA250 and marketing decided to name it 255 and charge extra.

fops (plushie arc) (Chaotic Stupid)

alt: google captcha style meme, the challenge is "Select all squares with SoCs which can boot mainline linux", below it are 16 pictures of various SoCs from broadcom, rockchip, texas instruments, motorola, mediatek, qualcomm and others, as well as a few FPGAs

Je ne suis pas goth


A "Captcha" titled "SoCs which can boot mainline Linux"
Below: a grid comprised of pictures of various system-on-chips, e.g., Xilinx/AMD, Samsung, etc.


Gorgeous na Shock!

@pancake Can a Spartan-6 run a core that can boot Linux? I feel like this is one of those annoying questions because "boot" is a very vague term and if you were clever enough designing the core and paring down the kernel you could say "yes" even tho my (admittedly very limited here) intuition says "not normally."

Allison Husain

@indigoparadox @pancake running Linux at a whopping 50MHz, like the good lord intended.


The spartan definitely not, thats just an FPGA. The Zynq can definitely boot linux as it has a regular ARM processor (i did this on my zynq dev board). I think OMAP can boot it too, along with the Mediatek, Broadcom and Qualcomm chip. I'm not sure about the others.


@nekayee @pancake
But can those boot current day mainline linux, not some special snowflake kernel that was a year old when they released?
The Omap and RK3399 I think can boot mainline.
The rest I'm far less certain about.
Allwinner A13 kaindasodta does now? I think Zynq still has some older kernel I think?
Mediatek, Qualcomm, Samsung and the 286 are far less likely.

Clemens :roasted_coffee:

@ftg @nekayee @pancake i can't read the Mediatek model number, the ones that are typically in routers (MT7620/7621/7623/7628 etc iirc) should boot mainline, I don't think OpenWRT has a lot of patches there. But there are also radios that have similar model numbers 🙃


I think the zynq can boot mainline kernel when compiled for ARM and with the correct modules.

I haven't tried it, but it should be possible i guess


It heavily depends on how you define "boot mainline linux" because every SoC is gonna have some quirks that the kernel needs to handle differently to boot

Marc Jacobs

@pancake Lol. This is good.

I worked at Marvell for many years and couldn’t remember the PXA1928. More used to the interval code names than the marketing part numbers. (Blush)

Billy O'Neal

@pancake @whitequark do the FPGAs count if I put a softcore in them?

@pancake (It's none of them as Linux is only a kernel and doesn't operate on its own - you need to add at least BusyBox, or better, GNU).
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