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Electronic Frontier Foundation

People are pushing back on the overly-centralized social media platforms, and this year it led to an explosion of exciting projects in decentralization.

Evan Prodromou

@eff ...and one open standard.

Why are you pushing all these one-off projects? We need you advocating for the fediverse.



I want to emphasize here that I think the same must happen for e-commerce.

Platforms like Amazon, Facebook, even eBay etc exercise despotic control over vendors and customers.

From municipal web access, to hosting services, libraries streaming music or say a town e-commerce platform, to the growth of coop owned platforms, all which could federate a proper anti totalitarian model must evolve.

The Bork anti-trust doctrine must be shredded as well. :thread:



We need to leverage the revolutionary zeal of the Boston Tea party to reject corporate totalitarian rule by wealth (King George was the worlds richest man in his day).

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