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@nixCraft Ok, now someone needs to add an accelerometer or gyroscope and automatically change the rotation amount in real time.


@StarkRG @nixCraft a lot of old laptops had an accelerometer in the hard drive.
I actually used this on my convertible Thinkpad x61t to rotate the screen, until I updated to a SSD...


@mxk @StarkRG @nixCraft I'm pretty sure HDAPS is not part of the hard disk. I have an SSD in my x61t as well, but HDAPS is still there.


@sur5r @StarkRG @nixCraft interesting 🤔
I really thought that it did disappear with the change to the SSD and old harddrive was listed to have an integrated free fall sensor, while various sites confirm your observation, that Thinkpads had a gyroscope on the Mainboard.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@StarkRG @nixCraft

On a rolling boat would be perfect to keep the horizon always straight.


@GustavinoBevilacqua You'd need more than just an accelerometer for that the up and down motion would get in the way. A gyroscope would do, but they tend to drift, so combining it with an accelerometer for periodic recalibration is pretty standard. Art that point you're basically constructing an artificial horizon out of GUI windows. I wonder if it would help with sea sickness or just make it worse.


@StarkRG @nixCraft time to mess around with an Arduino Uno and a gyroscope for a while

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