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Peter Drake, he/him, LFHCfS 🔥

@beyondmachines1 Alt text: A plate of cookies and a glass of milk. A sign reads, "Dear Santa, Due to GDPR regulations, we are required to inform you that this house uses cookies, and require that you accept them before leaving presents."



I'm also concerned about Santa's collection of peoples' private data - e.g., whether individual children are "naughty" or "nice" - without allowing them to review the data for correctness, dispute the accuracy, request a change, or request deletion.


@cazabon @beyondmachines1 For his European operations, I strongly suspect that Santa is operating under GDPR article 6 section 1 paragraphs (b) necessary for performance of contract, and/or (d) necessary to protect vital interests of data subject, and/or (e) necessary for performance of task carried out in public interest.

He also has plenty of workers with whom complaints can be lodged or additional information filed. Surely they can handle a deletion request too.

BeyondMachines :verified:

@mkj let's not forget Article 8, and whether the parents have given their consent for Santa to process the data of underage children...

Martijn Vos
GDPR requires that he should be able to refuse them if he cares about privacy. Although if he cares about privacy, what is he doing in other people's home?
Charlotte Joanne

@beyondmachines1 The picture shows a humorous Christmas setting. There is a note that reads:

"Dear Santa,
Due to GDPR regulations, we are required to inform you that this house uses cookies, and require that you accept them before leaving presents."

Next to the note, there is a plate with several Oreo cookies on it and a glass of milk. The setting includes festive elements like a Christmas-themed tablecloth, a candle with 'Christmas Eve' written on it, and holiday plates.

Baldrick (Taylor's Version)

@beyondmachines1 tsk, tsk. Reject button must be visible and cookies must be homemade; no third party cookies!

BeyondMachines :verified:

@baldrick if you think about it, the opt-out here is built in here. The cookies are not forced onto Santa. They are offered.

Natsura :v_pan: :v_trans:

@baldrick @beyondmachines1 all eggs and milk must be gotten from chickens and cows that live on your property, and the wheat must be home grown as well. SMH


@beyondmachines1 please show santa some respect, add a "maybe later" button


@beyondmachines1 ironically, this house is in Ohio, but the home owner fundamentally misunderstood the GDRP and how it applies homes and users located outside the EU.



i don't see an option provided to opt out

this is a violation and i'm filing a report

BeyondMachines :verified:

@accretionist if you think about it, the opt-out here is built in the offer. The cookies are not forced onto Santa. They are offered.


@beyondmachines1 it's just this sort of manipulation that starts a slippery slope to absolute privacy destruction. you got here from the ad sales office didn't you? and now you're corrupting Santa himself with your tricks? Santa himself! i am outraged! this is an outrage! 🤭

Luc :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc:

@beyondmachines1 Now I'm wondering if there are any European countries where Santa is part of the end-of-year festivities

BeyondMachines :verified:

@Lucseleventje There was a proper analysis in the comments. People found the relevant GDPR clauses, although there is a dispute about Santa processing the data of minors without parent consent...

spv :verified:

@beyondmachines1 print a second one that’s green to use at first, then swap it so it looks like it was clicked

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