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Jon Juarez

One of the reasons why I draw is the feeling of travel and exploration, and the feeling that drawing gives you of pausing time, of capturing a moment and staying in it. Thanks to Charles Huettner and Joe bennett for taking me to his planet Vesta and letting me inhabit it from its core. #ScavengersReign

Ben Harris-Roxas

@harriorrihar its affected me more than anything else I've seen or read in a long time, thanks so much for your work and sharing your imagination.


Beautiful landscapes and sense of adventure and wonder!


@harriorrihar What an incredible series! A true revival of classic Sci-Fi exploration into strange and beautiful Alien worlds, a masterpiece!

Charlie R

@harriorrihar Vesta was an incredible character unto itself. Thank you for your designs and contributions in making it what it is!

Cassidy Curtis

These feel different from your other drawings! Did you use any 3D tools as part of your process?

Jon Juarez


I have always used 3D, from the beginning, but these pieces are not illustrations, they are conceptual art and their purpose is another. Thanks!

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