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Shouty person

@jack @ainmosni
Saving this for the next time someone tries to ‘debate’ me on immigration or trans rights or drag queens or the economy or democracy or whatever.

Dylan Smith


What a writer he was. Clarity "non plus ultra."

My parents owned a number of his books. "Unpopular Essays" had lasting effects on me.


@jack Love it. Today, Mosley would have screenshotted the response on his X account and called Russell a “snowflake who knows he can’t beat me in the free marketplace of ideas”, centrist newspaper columnists would have sighed over Russell’s “incivility”, and the government would have promised new legislation to ban “elitist” philosophers from “no-platforming” people like this

Firehorseart lives!


I feel like this would be a suitable response to the letters sent out by the UK government asking for us to send suggestions in for Sunak.

Anyone game to do that?

Alexander Karn


“I should like you to understand the intensity of this conviction on my part.”


@jack This is a great foundation for responding to people demanding time and attention for "conversations."

Alan Harrison

@jack Yeah but if Russell doesn't debate Moseley he's suppressing his freedom of speech or something.


@jack a brilliant response from Bertrand Russel as you would expect!

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