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Brent Toderian

“A startling statistic emerged in Paris last month: during the morning and evening rush hours, on representative main thoroughfares crisscrossing the French capital, there are now more bicycles than cars – almost half as many again, in fact.” #Paris

lucie digitální

@BrentToderian how about NOT using Twitter's URL shortener?

Rihards Olups

@luciedigitalni @BrentToderian
Might be just copied from xitter. The good thing - it can be fixed in the original post :)

Ed Davies

@BrentToderian @luciedigitalni Indeed. URL shorteners are:

- A tracking risk.
- Fragile.
- Obscure where the link's going.
- Pointless even on instances with a small character count limit as Mastodon counts a fixed number of characters (24?) per URL irrespective of the URL's actual length.


@BrentToderian my stupid city of Indianapolis prefers to just endlessly wide the roads. Benefits are more and more cars, high noise levels, more accidents, and increase dependency on cars.


@BrentToderian For a second I thought the photo was a variant of the Distracted Boyfriend Meme

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