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nixCraft 🐧

Software developers making $100k+, why do you live like this?


@nixCraft I don’t make 100k American dollars but also I don’t live like this

@nixCraft we care about the important things :blobcatrainbow:
Daniel Taylor

@nixCraft doing software development can use up all a person's ability to make decisions.

That picture is also missing the traditional stack of delivery pizza boxes

Spring Breakdown :jo:

@nixCraft I think I would want to walk out straight away. :blobsleepless:

(Fortunately, I wasn't forced to agree to work more than a sliver of hours beyond normal working ones)


@nixCraft they come from poor background and they have so many family members to support. Also most of the developers are millennials. They don’t do post support.

Word of Mouth Ding ding ding ding!!

Poverty mentality is hard to break. My lifestyle might be spartan, but I'm not spending on useless stuff. I'm stacking chips so I never have to go hungry or be homeless again.


@nixCraft beauty is efficency. the other beuty is for ux designers.


@nixCraft sleeping on the floor requires me to do at least one get up a day?

Though I suspect there is a distinction to be made between work/life balance issues, and generally have a different approach to appropriate sleeping places.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@nixCraft 16 hours on the left, 8 hours on the right. Base spend ratio 2:1.

Metrics from right good/high. Metrics from left normal/average. Additional spend justified on left.

Depreciation on left exceeds depreciation on the right. Additional spend justified on the left.

I think I'm just following the data, but I don't make 100k anymore.

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