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Matt Ⓥ

@mike Food for thought, appreciate the post Mike.

I hope I’m not splitting hairs, but what’s your definition of “win” here? It reads to me like you see it as a zero-sum game. Open survives, closed dies, or vice-versa.

Does it all need to be a competition? Surely the fact that both exist proves the pool that both swim in is open already?

Isn’t the availability of an open option the win already?

Mike McCue

@vmatt well, you raise a good question. For purposes of this post Win=most people around the world do social media via an open standard like ActivityPub from whatever app, whatever provider, with whatever group of people, using whatever algorithms with whatever compensation model they prefer.

Lose=the big social media companies continue to own and run and lock in the majority of people on the planet.


@mike @vmatt

Open can win, but it's a narrow scrape. Consider the case of how and why IBM saw the wisdom of porting Linux to its hardware.

Nobody reading this needs to be told about openness or flexibility or reducing costs - Linux had a Benevolent Dictator to keep the whole contraption chugging down the tracks.

ActivityPub's leadership will require strategic leadership. It's done extremely well with collaboration and consensus, but may want to empower its governance... I don't know.

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