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Juho Mäntysalo


Worth pointing out that Richard Scarry was born in 1919, and the small-town world he descripted in his books was one of 1950s in its latest: that is, a world where cars were a luxury, not a necessity, and thus services had to be accessible without cars.

The Cars and Trucks and Things that Go from 1974 was in many ways one of his more "modern" works, and even there the autobahn where the action happened was in vacuum in context to the small-towns that the autobahns destroyed..

TC 💖

@iju was it really?🤷🏻‍♀️

Juho Mäntysalo


Could you rephrase the question?

But ofc this is just a hypothesis based on my academic studies as contextualised by books dear to me when I was a kid. Scarry had an impressive bibliography: I haven't read all of his scores upon scores of books.

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