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James Gleick

How did a “half-insane rascal,” a “pathetic dunderhead,” a “nowhere fool,” a “big mouth” persuade millions of ordinary citizens to embrace his “doctrine of hatred” and make him absolute dictator of a once-great nation?

Michiko Kakutani reviewed Volker Ullrich’s account of Hitler’s ascent in September 2016. Remember September 2016?

Her review was brilliant. She never once names Trump, but he is present in every paragraph, and not by accident.

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Renato Trevisan

@JamesGleick I think that it is much more productive to focus on the good examples, rather than only fixate on the bad ones.


@JamesGleick I read both parts this year. Lots of similarities. Hitler didn't do it all by himself. He had enough oratory ability to bring out the worst in the country. Many people enabled him. His dehumanizing language resonated.

Unfortunately we are in a similar situation today.

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