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nixCraft 🐧

how i feel when I ssh using my mobile phone

Den of Earth

I once tried using the Citrix app to remotely connect to my office desktop from my phone. It worked but it assumed desktop resolution. There was a lot of pinching!


@DenOfEarth @nixCraft VNC client over ssh port forwarding from my mobile is surprisingly usable. My client doesn't move the mouse pointer, instead scrolling around moves the remote screen underneath instead. Lots of zoom in and out, but works surprisingly well.

Tyler Griffin

@nixCraft SSH from airplane wifi is the same thing, except the rider falls over every five feet.


@tyler JuiceSSH supports mosh! It's a much better fit for long-lived connections on a phone, or just spotty connections in general

Amira Magdalena

@tyler @nixCraft i’m not entirely sure that 4.4ms is enough to handle the authentication shake :P

(taking metaphor literally for fun)


@tyler @nixCraft Mosh is handy if you need to do that on a regular basis probably would even help if you put it on a jump server and then used regular ssh from there.

My Actual Brain

@nixCraft @evelyn Never worry about your bike being stolen again. Just put it in your bag 😂


I bet that thing doesn't have brakes. Would be more interesting if he rode it down a hill. 🤪

`Da Elf

@nixCraft @juliewebgirl Ok, dis is funny...

Laptop to mosh sets the display size as my mental default but tablet and phone Fuck all that up so kill mosh-server. It's in my .bashrc

Julie Webgirl

@elfin @nixCraft

I'm so going to start using "mental default" from now on...


@nixCraft Made me laugh more than I'd want to admit

Jeff Lewis

@nixCraft Having ssh’d from my phone to restart an nginx proxy in the last week, I concur.

Amy ☣ I could see where this was going almost immediately and I was still laughing too hard.

i've been there, I've done that. x.X

Irenes (many)

@nixCraft video description: a male-presenting person wearing cycling clothes stands in an alley. they reach in a backpack and remove an object, which they place on the ground. the camera zooms, showing that the object is an extremely small bicycle. the person climbs onto the bicycle, looking quite comical but remaining balanced, and begins pedaling away, very slowly.

@dalias @nixCraft @disser Wireguard also means you get more than just terminal access with functional roaming.

Though Mosh *does* have other smart client & delay tolerance features that might make it worthwhile to use even atop Wireguard anyway.
Okapi Lips

@nixCraft This is entirely accurate, yet I also spend the entire time giddily laughing as well :sticker_dancingelephant:

Nils 'Kojote' Hitze

@nixCraft which is why the Nokia communicator was the man



I once had to write code on mobile 'cause my laptop broke and I agree this is exactly how it felt 😂

cc: @tio

';DROP TABLE foxes;--

@nixCraft You just need the right phone.

And it runs proper Linux - so there's SSH on it out of the box!


@DropTableFoxes @nixCraft that's not a proper keyboard; where's the pipe symbol?!


@nixCraft "The computer is a bicycle for the mind" in that yes, but this one is slower and fits in my pocket.


@nixCraft I am extremely fascinated by the fact that it is rideable.


@nixCraft I wonder what his download speed is when using rsync 😅

Geoff Winkless

@nixCraft love this. As an aside, installing Hacker's Keyboard makes ssh much more bearable.

she hacked you

@nixCraft Wait, you put a private ssh key on your phone then on a server somewhere have it set as an authorized key?

This type of behavior.. I could try to find a video that properly expresses the shock I feel (and ever so slight glee), but I will let my text suffice.

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