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Ang Black

Maybe I understand this wrong but can you not just use your WP blog as your fediverse presence instead of a Masto or other account? Is tge functionality too limited for that?
@danyork @cybeardjm

DJM (freelance for hire)

@BigAngBlack @lrhodes @danyork You're right, you don't need a Mastodon or Pixelfed or Friendica or... account to connect your WordPress blog to the Fediverse. It becomes its own instance. It's just easier to check and reshare and publicize you WP+AP, that's all. With WP+AP, you post to the Fediverse, and your followers (if any) will see and be able to comment.

Dan York

@BigAngBlack @lrhodes @cybeardjm

With the ActivityPub plugin, you get publishing to Fediverse and you get comments coming back.

As someone else said (DJM?) it's kind of 2-way RSS.

You do NOT get "following" of other accounts as you would in a Mastodon account

If all you want to do is publish your thoughts and engage with comments, then YES, your WP blog could now be your Fediverse presence.

If you want to engage with other accounts, there's another plugin:

DJM (freelance for hire)

@danyork @BigAngBlack @lrhodes Or you can use Bridgy Fed (and IndieAuth to follow accounts), a different approach to use ActivityPub, without the "official" plugin.
There's another way, a bit trickier: the "Enable Mastodon Apps" plugin that adds a set of Mastodon API to a WordPress blog. Tested it with Elk, and it's fun.

DJM (freelance for hire)

@BigAngBlack @danyork @lrhodes Yes, although the AP plugin is quite old (I started using it in 2019 or so), it's evolving and whole "Fediverse" environment is evolving too, with new apps and tools almost everyday. We know AP still has some limits and might transform again at some point. That's what's interesting, IMHO

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