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dev ocioso

@verge This looks more like a partial adoption to try and siphon "audiences" from the actual fediverse to their platform. Calling it a "test" seems disingenuous.

Chris Ferguson

@verge huge news. The more momentum behind AP the better I think...


@verge I know a lot of people on the #fediverse hate on Threads and don’t want it to federate, however, I think that having it federate would allow following certain people (mostly musicians and celebrities) that would probably never get into Mastodon - at least not anytime soon - without having to create any Meta account. At the end of the day, whatever is posted on the internet is public so it’s not like not federating with Meta would hold them back from scraping it anyway. 🤷

Adrian Randall

@royalputhy @verge This is where I’m at. Threads is already huge and has a lot of big-name accounts that I want to follow. But they don’t want to deal with Mastodon, while I never want to sign up for Threads. Federating solves that problem.

Jon Snyder

@royalputhy @verge
I tend to agree, as much as I would love for everyone to switch to a some mastodon instance, I know it is not realistic. But I still want to follow some of those people.


@royalputhy @verge "Public" is not "consent to scrape", though. So like, no not really.

Kay Ohtie

@frost @royalputhy @verge Tech companies have done it so heavily and for so long that it's normalized for a lot of people, despite how it'd basically never fly in alternate circumstances/situations. And I hate that.

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@royalputhy @verge Musicians? Okay. Maybe that has some value. In some cases.

I consider the lack of celebrities — and celebrity worship — here to be a positive, and I doubt I am alone in that.

(Not saying this should be a factor in integrating with Threads, but I still hope that stuff doesn’t start floating up into my timeline…)

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@robertlogger @royalputhy @verge I’m aware.

That doesn’t stop it from bubbling up in my timeline if people I follow boost them, or start posting about this stuff themselves because they start seeing it here and the overall culture shifts.

Léonard Urban

@verge I guess its a good thing because it might bring more users & content to the fediverse. I just hope that mastondon will allow to block certain instances, this way we will be able to block the facebook instance if we want to 🙃️ (also when will following local feed of instances be a thing!!)

Theo Watson

@verge I’m for it. If it gets people to leave birdsite and I can follow friends on Threads without a Threads account. That makes for a stronger alternative. Would be great if BlueSky followed suit ( feels inevitable maybe? ).

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@verge Good to see they are actively working on this. I'll be interested to see how they handle ads in the future, hopefully they won't inject them into the feeds.

Franklin Delano Stallone

@verge Despite the issue with Meta, I think it's a good thing over all. Enabling the popularity of ActivityPub can be a good thing.

Of course, as soon as something becomes mass market it will become a dumpster fire. The upside, is it does let you block out bad instances. Just as long as big companies don't go ahead and make their own version of ActivityPub to supersede the existing version.

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