For those of us who are don't remember this stuff all that well
can you give an example ?
or at least point me to some place where I can see an examnple ?
For those of us who are don't remember this stuff all that well can you give an example ? thanks 2 comments
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @jwildeboer
Take the short story "Runaround":
The robot is supposed to retrieve a McGuffin resource to keep life support on $planet running (ultimately so humans don't die).
Near the resource is a thing that would likely destroy the robot.
This causes conflict (abbreviating a bit), because getting destroyed would also fail the first rule (since no resource retrieval means humans come to harm).
So the robot oscillates/meanders around the resource, similar to a control loop.
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @jwildeboer
Take the short story "Runaround":
The robot is supposed to retrieve a McGuffin resource to keep life support on $planet running (ultimately so humans don't die).
Near the resource is a thing that would likely destroy the robot.
This causes conflict (abbreviating a bit), because getting destroyed would also fail the first rule (since no resource retrieval means humans come to harm).