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Den of Earth


Arguably the tech is merely enabling rather than causing this - it's the companies using it to find bold new ways to screw customers

Even previous generation tech is still being used like this. I was buying a piece of furniture, at the counter about to pay, when the clerk answered a landline and started answering questions at length for a customer who effectively cut in line from home!

Sadly I didn't walk as I really wanted that sideboard but I gave him the glaring of a lifetime.

1 comment

@DenOfEarth It's the tech and the companies and all of us using the tech, I think. We've internalised the idea that the digital solution is the only one. Like the local person telling you to use your phone when you politely ask if they can help you find the right building on a confusing street, or the shop assistant telling you to use their website when you're standing right there.

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