@CiaraNi see also hotel chains that only have a chatbot, no phone number, email address, Facebook, anything.
That said I've just been on holiday in Germany, where to get a seat reservation refund I had to go to a station with a staffed ticket office, queue to get a numbered ticket, and then queue another 30 mins to talk to a human (whose English, not unreasonably, was about as good as my German) who made me physically sign a form then handed me cash.
There has got to be a middle way.
@Knittingdancer @CiaraNi Almost all human interactions about business matters are like your Germany example, to me. Why would I not be allowed to do it myself, and not bother a person?
If it can't be done online, I usually just won't do it. I estimate that avoiding human contact and phone calls costs me $200-800 a year, and I'm relatively happy to pay it.
I get on a soapbox about this quite often, but if your process requires any human interaction, I don't believe it can be considered accessible to anxious/autistic/other neurodivergent people. There are times when I could walk 20 miles, or pay $50, or solve a complicated logic problem, but could not muster up "Hello, please assist me" dialogue to save my life.
@Knittingdancer @CiaraNi Almost all human interactions about business matters are like your Germany example, to me. Why would I not be allowed to do it myself, and not bother a person?
If it can't be done online, I usually just won't do it. I estimate that avoiding human contact and phone calls costs me $200-800 a year, and I'm relatively happy to pay it.