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@lauren @CiaraNi Oh this topic has come up on mastodon before, the minor amount of research out there has a roughly 50/50 split on if dark or light is better - it's totally down to personal preference. Poor UI on websites isn't new for accessibility or readability though, not limited to light/dark mode.

Lauren Weinstein

@Akki @CiaraNi Dark mode is a focus nightmare for many people with common astigmatism. That's a fact. Ask me how I know.


@lauren @CiaraNi I have terrible astigmatism and I prefer dark mode. It's less strain on my eyes.


@lauren @CiaraNi it's funny because as I was forced to read the first half of that article in light mode, it was giving me the halo effect it says people get in dark mode. Can't be arsed to sign up to read the whole thing but I'm sure I have read it before which is what sparked off another debate somewhere on mastodon where we concluded it's down to individual need/preference. Which is fine. Make it optional for everyone. Accessibility needs options. No one should be forced into a box.

Lauren Weinstein

@Akki @CiaraNi The hilarious part is people who insist that by using dark mode they're saving their battery by using less power -- when they're using LCD displays. Which of course, is not the case for LCD displays!

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