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@Workshopshed It's wild and wildly rude, I think. Restaurants, not just fast-food ones, are increasingly trying to make us use QR codes and apps to even see the menu. I am never going to do that.

MooMoo the Cat

@CiaraNi @Workshopshed I hate that! (can only see the menu using a QR code)


@flowerpot @CiaraNi I see cinema also have this process. Order popcorn and drinks via a screen then collect when the number is called


@Workshopshed @flowerpot It just seems so unnecessary. And given the energy and water issues involved in data management, I wonder sometimes how expensive those solutions are for the climate, doing something like that digitally when you could just have ordered it at the desk.

Asia Ristow

@CiaraNi @Workshopshed

While I think physical menus should always still be an option, I’m one of those folks who prefers QR code menus. I’d rather be touching my own phone (that I touch anyway) than a menu that probably hasn’t even been wiped down between people. Are phones germy and nasty? Of course (and yes, I clean mine lol!) But adding extra nasties in there I’d just rather not.

I wash my hands after handling the menu anyway, but I’ll personally take a QR code menu any day.


@AsiaRistow I don't know anyone who wants to get rid of digital solutions entirely and go back to paper-only. The problem is digital-only solutions. They exclude a lot of people and they presume upon people's time and patience and privacy without even offering something better in exchange.

Asia Ristow

@CiaraNi @Workshopshed

Yes, I agree 100%. Physical menus (and physical options in general) NEED to be a thing regardless of the digital options.

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