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Karen Mardahl

@CiaraNi This is what worries me about the move to have Rejsekort in an app. The next step will be to have it only in the app, which excludes anyone who doesn’t have a smart phone, doesn’t want a smart phone, has a smartphone with a dead battery, and so on. Public transport is for the general public so avoid the bling bling that can entail exclusion!


@kmdk A great example of this problem.


@CiaraNi @kmdk They're apparently trying to make an option for people who don't have a smartphone but idk what it is. What also concerns me if this unknown method will also factor in the possibility to buy an anonymous one. A Rejsekort has the ability to be purchased from an authoritised vendor with cash. I find such an option very useful, especially when they weren't excepting cash for transport during covid

Karen Mardahl

@engravecavedave @CiaraNi Oh! Another scenario: those with dementia or cognitive challenges where a flat card on a lanyard around their necks will always function as opposed to an app. (Just test the idea with all kinds of users and not just your bros, bros!)


@kmdk Yes, this is another fine example. It is so upsetting to see older and cognitively challenged people battling, often distressed, with technology in situations where there are other, simpler solutions.


@engravecavedave @kmdk Good point about the Anonym cards. They're useful for non-regular commuters and for guests from abroad. If we want to get more people out of cars and into public transport, we need quick-and-simple ways to pay on the fly, not requirements to sign up and use an app.

DougN :coffeev:​ 😷 :CApride:

@kmdk @CiaraNi I recently travelled to Melbourne, Australia. I took public transport from the airport to the hotel. However, I discovered that there was no way to pay the fare on the PVT bus without purchasing a MyKi card, which can’t be done on the bus. You can’t pay the fare using a debit or credit card, nor with cash. So, for a first time visitor to the city, this posed a problem. Eventually I got it sorted but it’s definitely a problem.

Karen Mardahl

@RandomCanuck @CiaraNi Ugh! Sounds like a perfect example, but how frustrating for you!

DougN :coffeev:​ 😷 :CApride:

@kmdk @CiaraNi it was in the moment; however, my point was that systems like this should allow other means of payment besides a proprietary card.


@RandomCanuck Definitely. The digital solution can't be the only one. @kmdk


@RandomCanuck This is a great example of why this is problematic. Both for non-locals and for local people who don't often take public transport - if we require apps and sign-ups and online payment just for one ticket for a short journey, people will get put off. @kmdk

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