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A new version of #MapComplete has been released, containing a few big updates!

The first one is the addition of favourites. This acts like a personal list of bookmarked features. If you bookmark a feature, it'll also show up on _every_ mapcomplete map you visit.


Another big, new feature is that images are now clickable, which opens a new preview-screen where one can zoom in more! Useful to see all the details of the picture


A smaller update is to the drinking water layer, which got more attributes


And the last update is another, very important one: we've been working on Accessibility.

In this phase, keyboard navigation has been improved dramatically. First of all, when panning and zooming the map with the keyboard, a box with nearby features will appear. Pressing space or enter will select the closest feature, pressing the key 1, 2 or 3 will select the closest, second closest and third closest feature.

Furthermore, the keyboard navigation (with pressing tab) has been improved!


A big thank you to NlNet for funding!

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