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it's so crazy to me that this turbine disk fragment had so much energy it literally BLEW THROUGH A BRICK WALL!

Tom Nardi

Love the write-ups from Admiral Cloudberg. Always fascinating to follow the series of seemingly minor incidents that eventually push things over the tipping point.

Michael K Johnson

@tubetime That was a more satisfying and illuminating read than the chapter of The Perfectionists (Simon Winchester) about that failure.

Bruno Philipe

@tubetime The article lacks one important detail though: did captain de Crespigny pass his line check??

math blasterson

I used to test this stuff.

Systems test 5,832,355/10,200,122:

"Ok, this one validates a cooling fan will stop trying to cool the equipment if the equipment is in flames, and it preserves this state after loosing sensor data, and through a control fail-over, when the port wing has fallen off."

"Check. Next."

It is immensely satisfying to read a detailed story about a plane getting swiss-cheesed, all these systems working in concert, and the crew effectively managing the situation safely.

Alexandra Magin 💜

@tubetime "the №1 engine was still running, even though the crew had already carried out the shutdown procedure. Damage to systems in the wing had rendered the №1 fuel shutoff valves inoperative, preventing the crew from shutting the engine down by normal means. "


Andy Herd 🏳️‍🌈🌳

@tubetime thanks for sharing, that was a *fascinating* read 👀. It genuinely wouldn’t be out of place as a story on the deck of Star Trek TNG (including the impressive competence of crew)

“For engineering purposes, disk fragments are assumed to have infinite energy at the moment of release”
- truly remarkable sentence

“the pilots concluded that following the computer’s instructions would be inadvisable”
- as a software engineer who also loves sci-fi, this brings me immense comfort

@tubetime thanks for sharing, that was a *fascinating* read 👀. It genuinely wouldn’t be out of place as a story on the deck of Star Trek TNG (including the impressive competence of crew)

“For engineering purposes, disk fragments are assumed to have infinite energy at the moment of release”
- truly remarkable sentence


@tubetime Wow. Just wow! What a read! 😳😲 Incredible. I feel like I'm a kid again having just watched the Thunderbirds film where Zero-X has to be landed.

Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:

@tubetime Amazing to read this right after being on two A380s in two days - the first one being cancelled for mechanical issues.


@tubetime @awlnx The captain also wrote a book about this flight that is a very interesting read:

Jamie McCarthy

@tubetime Thanks for sharing this — I had to read it in two sessions (with a commercial jet flight between!) but this was a great read

Eric Carroll

Oooh. I sense a new episode of MayDay coming.

Great show, the audience gets to play Guess The Failure Mode from the comfort of home.

"I can Guess The Failure Mode in 5 minutes Alec! "

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