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Matt Palmer

@SwiftOnSecurity I prefer the naughty step of a paperclip across the terminals.

Apicultor 🐝

@womble @SwiftOnSecurity Tell me you've never done work on a CRT without telling me you've never done work on a CRT. 😉


@womble @apicultor @SwiftOnSecurity
I have worked on CRTs and my "paperclip" was a 12 inch flat screwdriver

Matt Palmer

@RnDanger sometimes you gotta clip a lot of paper together. I don't judge.

Roadskater, Ph.D.

@apicultor @womble @SwiftOnSecurity Haven't tried it with a CRT, but there was the Pontiac that we had when I was in high school...

Apicultor 🐝

@roadskater @womble @SwiftOnSecurity Depending on where and when you insert the screwdriver, you could approximate the experience for sure.

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