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Tofu Golem

While there are lots of reasons for this, one is a particular piece of research.

Aboriginal Australians generally eat what the poor in many Western countries eat: mostly carbs and sugar and precious little vegetables. The study has them switch to a diet more like what their distant ancestors ate, and there were tons of health improvements.

But those improvements came from what they stopped eating, not what they started eating. A lot of people drew the wrong conclusions.

Ricki Tarr

@tofugolem Definitely, the people who live the longest eat whole foods 80% of the time, but they also live in cultures where they have time and the skill to make those kinds of foods. It can be pretty complex.

Tofu Golem

"Whole foods" is really vague, so I'm not sure how you would back up that statement.

This research is an indictment of how we make poor people eat.

It's the same bad logic behind fancy bottled water from distant springs. At one time, doctors prescribed such things, but it's not that the water from those springs had health-enhancing properties, it's that the tap water back home was fouled in the days before the Germ Theory of Disease.

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