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Michelle Hughes


People just hate having to work crappy jobs. You don't want to go back to nature, you want to join a union.

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr if you only knew what the unions are like here in BC...

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr the neoliberal formerly social democratic party, the NDP is in power. The discipline is tight. No union says anything against the government for any reason. No union has backed a ceasefire in Gaza because that would mess with the NDP's centrist political calculations. Nurses' union famous for bullying nurses to work without complaint, driving them to burnout, on behalf of the employer. Unions here are like a corporate HR department that you pay dues to have push you around. Union leadership gets massive salaries and has basically joined the Management Class, and behaves accordingly.

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr the neoliberal formerly social democratic party, the NDP is in power. The discipline is tight. No union says anything against the government for any reason. No union has backed a ceasefire in Gaza because that would mess with the NDP's centrist political calculations. Nurses' union famous for bullying nurses to work without complaint, driving them to burnout, on behalf of the employer. Unions here are like a corporate HR department that you pay dues to have push you around....

Michelle Hughes

@Geoffberner @RickiTarr

Dang. I hope the rank and file can effect some change in the union leadership and push them in a better direction!

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr the rank and file have no power. The leadership decides, issues marching orders, and the membership obeys or is called into brutal in-camera disciplinary hearings. No one dares dissent.

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr the NDP is adding more and more nurses and healthcare workers from private companies, charging double what unionized workers get for wages, and the unions say nothing. The resource sector unions are climate arsonists intent on keeping as many mills open as they can until the last old growth forest is gone. The NDP premier just stepped down and went straight onto the board of our largest coal company.

Michelle Hughes

@Geoffberner @RickiTarr

Aren't there elections to choose the leadership?

I certainly don't expect it to be easy, but if a union can form in the presence of company pushback, then a union reform movement can succeed in the presence of union pushback. It's happened before.

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr the people who are doing this were once radicals. They know every route to pushback, and they've closed every avenue. They know what they're doing. They're good at this. There is no organized opposition, and the minute someone tries, they are brutally, secretly disciplined. They can't even talk about what is done to them because unions here have learned to rule by Non Disclosure Agreement like every other major institution here.

Geoff Berner

@MegaMichelle @RickiTarr unions that once backed general strikes in the 70s and 80s have transformed themselves into government boss unions.

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