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Mark Llobrera

@piper This was so great, I love reading about how people tend to their personal sites—I think I first stumbled on your blog trying to fix a Netlify Large Media issue I was having, and it’s been in my RSS feeds ever since

I have also thought about a printed archive of my blog, even if my posts from 2006 will make me cringe and turn to dust

Piper Haywood

@markllobrera yeah it’s such a lovely idea for a series of posts! i highly recommend all of them, and manu’s writing in general.

do you think you’ll actually go ahead with a printed archive some day? it’s so tempting, but a little daunting!

Mark Llobrera

@piper I’ve bounced between my blog and handwritten journals for so long, mostly because of my worries about digital impermanence, so that’s what’s part of what’s been driving the idea for me. I do feel like the commonplace book aspect you spoke to is an intersecting thing with the desire for printed archives, I don’t want researchers in the future thinking that we were all just obsessed with, I dunno, posts about JavaScript

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