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Julia Evans

a bunch of folks have mentioned that they use rerere to avoid solving the same merge conflict a million times during a rebase. If you use it, do you find it works well? are there any downsides to using it?

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)

@b0rk I just turned on rerere in my fork of gcc, and it... kinda helps? It doesn't catch all of the merge conflict resolutions that I might hope it would catch, but it at least catches some of them...

Dave Copeland :ruby:

@b0rk I used it once and it was so magical and quiet that I thought something went wrong. So…it worked, but maybe should've been a bit more vocal about what it did?

Greg Donald

@b0rk A coworker told me about it last year? I think. I tried it but it didn't work. We couldn't figure out why.

Tyler Mumford

@b0rk I’ve only used it once, but it worked well. I had to fix a big merge conflict with lots of files, and it gave me comfort to know, “I’ll only have to fix this once.”

Andrew Jeffery

@b0rk Sometimes I have trouble getting it to forget a resolution, which is annoying when it occurs. But I tend to get the resolution right more than wrong, so rerere is a net positive for me


@b0rk if it's made a mistake, I've never noticed. I always have a creeping feeling that it will mess something up someday.

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