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Erin Kissane

Today is the day @darius and I finally get to announce that we're in the new @DigInfFund cohort of projects, researching fediverse governance, so I…wrote about trees (nominally about the big root questions, but it's always trees, really).

Erin Kissane

It's a really cool set of projects, and I'm so glad to be working on this stuff right now.

@darius has a post up here with details:

Brook Miles

@kissane @darius interesting! look forward to seeing the results / following along :blobclipboard:

Joe Germuska

@kissane @darius this is super exciting and if there's any way I can support your effort, I'm very happy to help

David Yee

@kissane @darius @DigInfFund i don’t know that i trust two people more to do this important work. thank you for going in.

Tim Chambers

@kissane @darius @DigInfFund

Very cool: congrats and can't wait to see what your research finds!

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